Women Contractor’s Association, Associated Builders and Contractors Inc, and National Association of Minority Contractors 2014 Elected Officials’ Reception
Judge Karahan attended this elected officials' reception and met the members of the Women Contractor's Association,…
Asian American Bar Association CLE Seminar–Judge Karahan Featured Speaker
Judge Karahan was the featured speaker at an Asian American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education…
David Jones, co-host of PBS’s “Red, White & Blue” Highlights Judge Karahan in Recent Segment
Judge Karahan Endorsed by Non-Partisan Texpatriot!
Judge Karahan has been endorsed by Texpatriat, a professional blog on Houston and Texas politics.…
Judge Jay Karahan-Sponsored Three Cushion Billiards Tournament
Judge Karahan was pleased to sponsor and participate in a B and C player handicapped…
Daughters of Liberty Points of Light Fundraiser
Judge Karahan attended the Daughters of Liberty Points of Light Fundraiser featuring keynote speaker the…
Institute of Hispanic Culture 49th Annual “Noches de las Americas Gala”
Judge Karahan was honored to be the guest of Judge Debra Mayfield at the Insitute…
Houston Young Lawyers Foundation Charity Golf Tournament
Students for Liberty Reception
Judge Karahan attended the Students for Liberty Reception. Students for Liberty is an international non-profit…
Turkish PAC Reception for Judge Jay Karahan
Judge Karahan was gratified to be the beneficiary of the Turkish PAC reception in his…
Jewish Herald-Voice Judicial Candidate Endorsement Screening
Judge Karahan met with members of the Jewish Herald-Voice for Judicial Candidate Endorsement Screening.
Houston Bar Association Judicial Preference Poll–Judge Karahan Preferred vs Opponent!
The Houston Bar Association Judicial Preference Poll has been released, and Judge Karahan is preferred…