Willow Meadows Annual Neighborhood Picnic
Judge Karahan joined other Republican judicial candidates in the Precinct 255 Willow Meadows annual neighborhood…
Council on Alcohol and Drugs, Houston “Addicted to Comedy”
Judge Karahan attended the Addicted to Comedy showcase celebrating Recovery Month. Headliner Mike Gaffney was joined…
Village Republican Women “Shooting for Victory” Sporting Clay Tournament
Judge Karahan attended this sporting clay tournament sponsored by the Village Republican Women.
Mexican American Bar Association of Houston Annual Gala
Judge Karahan attended the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston's Annual Gala.
Judge Karahan Highly Rated by City of Pasadena Judicial Screening!
Judge Karahan is pleased to announce that he and judicial colleague Judge Jean Spradling Hughes,…
Judge Jay Karahan Campaign Fund-Raiser at Armando’s Restaurant
Judge Karahan was honored to be the recipient of a fund raiser in support of…
Christ Incarnate Word Catholic Church.
Judge Karahan was the guest of Monsignor Le at Christ Incarnate Word Catholic Church.
Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston 15th Annual Gala
Judge Karahan attended the IACCGH 15th Annual Gala featuring keynote speaker US Senator John Cornyn.
Clear Lake Republicans Breakfast
Judge Karahan spoke at the Clear Lake Republicans Breakfast meeting before they began a block-walk…
Asian Young Republicans Judicial Reception
Judge Karahan attended the Asian Young Republicans Judicial Reception at Kim Son Restaurant where he…
Texas Asian Republican Club Annual Dinner
Judge Karahan attended this special dinner honoring Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman, and Sugar…
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Elected Officials Reception
Judge Karahan attended this special event where Houston elected officials were honored.