Jewish Herald-Voice Judicial Candidate Endorsement Screening
Judge Karahan met with members of the Jewish Herald-Voice for Judicial Candidate Endorsement Screening.
Judge Karahan met with members of the Jewish Herald-Voice for Judicial Candidate Endorsement Screening.
The Houston Bar Association Judicial Preference Poll has been released, and Judge Karahan is preferred vs. his opponent by over 60% of poll participants. Thank you to the HBA members who preferred me, for your continued support and confidence!
Judge Karahan joined other Republican judicial candidates in the Precinct 255 Willow Meadows annual neighborhood picnic where he met with the Willow Meadows neighbors and families to discuss his candidacy and encourage voters to vote all the way through the ballot. Judge Karahan is seen here with Precinct 255 GOP Chair Erich Wolz, Judge Denise Bradley, Judge Sylvia Matthews, Judge Wesley Ward, Judge Mike Landrum, and Willow Meadows resident, attorney SJ Swanson.
Judge Karahan attended the Addicted to Comedy showcase celebrating Recovery Month. Headliner Mike Gaffney was joined by Jim Holder and Mike Peterson for an entertaining evening at The Council on Alcohol and Drugs Houston. Judge Karahan is seen here with Mike Gaffney, Cynthia Doerr, and Mike Peterson.
Judge Karahan attended this sporting clay tournament sponsored by the Village Republican Women.
Judge Karahan attended the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston’s Annual Gala.
Judge Karahan is pleased to announce that he and judicial colleague Judge Jean Spradling Hughes, tied for the highest rating of all Harris County Criminal Court-at-Law candidates, as determined by members of City of Pasadena government and local business owners. This screening was recorded and will be televised on Public Access Channel 16 throughout October and early November 2014. Thank you, City of Pasadena, for your support and confidence!
Judge Karahan was honored to be the recipient of a fund raiser in support of his campaign for re-election to his 4th term as Presiding Judge of Harris County Criminal Court-at-Law #8. Judge Karahan met with many supporters, and encouraged all to vote in the upcoming general election. Thanks for your continued bi-partisan support and confidence!! Judge Karahan is seen here with event hosts and speakers, attorneys and political commentators Brian Wice and Chris Tritico.
Judge Karahan was the guest of Monsignor Le at Christ Incarnate Word Catholic Church.
Judge Karahan attended the IACCGH 15th Annual Gala featuring keynote speaker US Senator John Cornyn.