Republican Hispanic Citizens in Action 2014
Judge Karahan will attend this meeting of the Republican Hispanic Citizens in Action.
Judge Karahan will attend this meeting of the Republican Hispanic Citizens in Action.
Judge Karahan is pleased to co-sponsor, along with Houston attorney Thomas Nguyen, a B and C player, handicapped three-cushion billiards amateur tournament. Judge Karahan will participate in the tournament.
Judge Karahan will attend this elected officials' reception to meet the members of the Women Contractor's Association, Associated Builders and Contractors Inc, and National Association of Minority Contractors.
Judge Karahan will attend this special event where Houston elected officials will be honored.
Judge Karahan will appear at the GOP headquarter to celebrate the grand opening under the new leadership of Harris County Republican Party Chairman Paul Simpson.
Judge Karahan will greet the members of KTP and distribute campaign signs at their monthly meeting.
Judge Karahan and his campaign staff will be walking in the Fiestas Patrias Parade celebrating the liberation of Mexico from Spain.
Judge Karahan, a member and former director of AABA, and other judges are honored guests at this annual event celebrating the achievements and community service of the ABA.
Judge Karahan will attend this happy hour mixer with members and guests of ATA.
Judge Karahan willl attend this breakfast associated with Fiesta Patrias, one of the largest and most colorful community-sponsored parades in the Southwest which celebrates Mexico’s independence from Spain.