Chinese American Citizen’s Alliance Scholarship Pageant
July 26, 2014
Judge Karahan attended the CACA Scholarship Pageant as special guest of CACA National President, Ed Gor and Beverly Gor. Judge Karahan enjoyed supporting the event and its impressive roster of contestants.
Raindrop Foundation Iftar Dinner
July 24, 2014
Judge Karahan delivered a greeting at an iftar dinner hosted by the Raindrop Foundation for the Turkish American community. Judge Karahan discussed the first amendment and encouraged attendees to exercise their right to vote.
Boy Scouts Visit Court 8
July 23, 2014
Boy Scouts working on their Citizenship in the Community Merit Badges visited Judge Karahan in Court 8.
Iftar Dinner
July 6, 2014
Judge Karahan was pleased to attend an Iftar dinner hosted by the Raindrop Foundation. Here…
Kingwood Area Republican Women July 4th Parade
July 4, 2014
Judge Karahan joined the KARW float in a July 4th parade. Judge Karahan handed out bumper stickers and greeted residents.
Reading of the Declaration of Independence
July 3, 2014
Judge Karahan was pleased to enjoy the Independence Day reading of the United States Constitution on the Courthouse steps. This annual event was sponsored by Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, whose members shared in reading. Here judge Karahan is pictured with HCCLA participants.
Houston Young Republicans
June 24, 2014
Judge Karahan joined other members of the Houston Young Republicans at their monthly meeting at Theo's Restaurant. Guest speaker Dr Neil Frank, former KHOU-TV chief meteorologist and former Director of the National Hurrican Center, who spoke on climate change. Judge Karahan is seen here with HYR officers.
Houston Real Estate Radio Interview
June 22, 2014
Judge Karahan was interviewed by Shannon Register of Houston Real Estate Radio, KTRH-AM 740, iHeartRadio at the Houston New Home and Remodeling Show. In this segment which aired today, Judge Karahan discussed legal issues that are relevant to home owners.
Secrets Gangs Never Tell–A Latino Community Outreach
June 14, 2014
Judge Karahan joined leaders in the Latino community at Secrets Gangs Never Tell--A Latino Community Outreach to Discuss Gang Activity in Our Community event at Templo El Buen Samaritino.
Women Professionals in Government Summer Social
June 12, 2014
Judge Karahan joined Women Professionals in Government at their Summer Social at the Wortham Center.
Forward Results Band Jam
June 12, 2014
Judge Karahan joined business leaders at the monthly Forward Results Band Jam and Networking event at Gary Cooper CPA.
Log Cabin Republicans
June 11, 2014
Judge Karahan joined the Log Cabin Republicans at their monthly meeting at Theo's Restaurant. The featured speaker was Texas 2nd Congressional District Representative and former Harris County Judge, Ted Poe. Representative Poe discussed current issues facing congress and their relevance to Texas.